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Filament texturé

Textured filament, you say? One of them is the unique kind of material from which a consumer can make 3D prints, and it has gained an incredible amount of popularity in recent years. Today we are going to tell you everything there is to know about a textile filament, how it works and some of the incredible things that have been made using it. After reading this text, when you finish, if so to say, you will better understand for what textured works and why it is interesting. This is a plastic with tactile feedback on the surface textured filament. This makes it feel different when you touch it, instead of regular plastic. There are a variety of patterns and styles to textured filament including wood, stone and shinny metal. This ProfixM fils texturés en polyester  L'entrée donnera à l'impression 3D finale un aspect réaliste et amusant à voir. Son filament de texture est exactement ce qu'il vous faut pour imprimer quelque chose qui ressemble à du vrai bois ou de la vraie pierre.   

Découvrir les possibilités des filamens texturés

It is a common myth that textured filament is all about just making the prints pretty though, it actually opens up new ways to use 3D printing. You can create objects that feels good in touch, through the righ material with the proper design. For instance, one can print a tool handle with rough textured filament. This texture can also help people to get a better grip on the tool, helping with use of the tool instead of just having it fall out their hand Textured filament will also greatly help in giving your prints a better look. This ProfixM  polyester texturé donne un peu plus de caractère à l'impression pour la rendre vraiment intéressante à regarder. Un problème courant avec l'impression 3D est celui des lignes de couches ou des coutures visibles dans l'impression finale. En réalité, lorsque vous imprimez avec un filament texturé, ces lignes de couches disparaissent presque toutes et cela donne l'impression que votre impression a été poncée aussi lisse que du verre. 

Pourquoi choisir le filament texturé profixM ?

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