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Direct warping and sectional warping

Weaving is one of the oldest forms and for me, important methods of producing clothing items and other fabrics that we make use of every day. Thousands of years old practice! Before you can weave any pretty woven item, you have to prepare the yarn first. Direct or Sectional warping is done in two ways Today let's take a look at direct warping in this series of blog posts to provide beginners with a good starting point. Put the yarn directly onto a loom, this is called direct warping. It is easy to understand This method is preferred for the beginners.

Streamlining the Warping Process

This will save time and make it less likely to tangle as well — direct warping. Direct Warping: With direct warping you put the yarn directly on your loom. It is pre-wound, which spares you the trouble of having to wind it on another tool before beginning to weave. Another tool that is useful is a profixM सेक्शनल स्प्लिट वार्पिङ मेसिन which allows you to warp multiple yarns on the loom at once. This way you can work faster and everything is well prepared, so that the whole weaving process works without interruptions, like from starting sorting through your supplies instead of just reaching into designated box for what you need RIGHT NOW!

Why choose profixM Direct warping and sectional warping?

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