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Fdy yarn

We may think about clothiers (like pants and shirts) or the cloth items in our home, like curtains or couches, but often overlook what they are made from. We tend to talk about what they look like or how much that thing cost. But the fabric that makes these garments can very well define their quality and longevity as well. This is especially crucial in the production of both our fabrics and that of our home-wares items, with an understanding that the last thing you require in things garments and homewares stuff are a crinkle or hurt laundered appearance.


A widely used fiber in manufacturing of clothes and home stuff as well is fdy yarn. Fdy is the abbreviation of fully drawn yarn. So when it says 100% wool / worsted (2-ply), or any other number of ply’s, this means that the yarn has been stretched out to its maximum length before being put into fabric. The yarn is then put through a unique treatment process that imparts specific properties that make it suitable for a multitude of products.

The Advantages of Fdy Yarn

What makes this fdy yarn better is stronger. It is particularly great in this setting because we will use it a lot, such as clothes we wear every day or furniture to sit back on. Because the yarn is Fdy, we know it will not fall apart with time. Also, profixM nylon fdy yarn feels soft so it is comfortable for use and wear. Its smooth texture has the ability to feel good on our skins which is significant in case of usage of a cloth.


One more benefit of the fdy yarn is that it has a lot of color property. That is why products using fdy yarn can be available in a variety of colors. They have colorful clothes and accessories, clothing, lovely home décor as well. Printing on fdy yarn fabric is also an easy facet. But, this versatility enables designers to develop different and beautiful patterns which gives every the item a distinct look.

Why choose profixM Fdy yarn?

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